Welcome to our new website developed by our latest sponsor nsmdigital - a local website design and development agency, who support many small to medium size businesses across Sussex. Nick Morley (owner of nsmdigital) is really pleased with the results of this collaboration with Worthing Cricket Club, as together we have created a website that enables us to fully showcase the club, inform potential and existing members/sponsors of how we operate and the opportunities we can provide. We are particularly pleased to advise that the site is fully compatible with all device sizes.
May we take this opportunity to say a big thank you from all at Worthing CC, for all the voluntary work and effort nsmdigital have put into the new site. We would also like to express our gratitude to some members of the club, who have made this website possible. Namely, Jack Dunn, who as well as creating our new sponsorship brochure, provided the initial design concepts for Nick's team to work from, and Deborah Kaye and Adrian Swift, who've both worked tirelessly over the last few months to populate the site with everything you might want or need to know about Worthing CC.
We hope everyone likes the new format of the site, and that you will find it easier to navigate when using your mobiles. Please take your time to go through the content, there’s plenty of new information on here which we hope you will find useful. If you have any comments about the new site, please provide your thoughts via the ‘Contact Us’ page.